GAFE Google Educator Bootcamp

This past weekend, I attended a “bootcamp” for educators through the EdTechTeam to learn more about Google Apps for Education. While the part of the conference I went to was only on Friday for 8 hours, I needed until now to truly decompress and process the incredible amount of information and skills imparted. Having switched to a new job, a new school, and a new age group this year, I have had a lot of adjustment to do. However, the implementation of Google Apps for Education at my new school has enabled me to transition smoothly as a Technology Integration Specialist. For the first 8 weeks of school, I’ve felt confident in my abilities to provide my colleagues with expertise related to the integration of technology. The Google Apps boot camp, though, gave me a serious kick.

I have only been scratching the surface of what is possible with Google Apps for Education. There are so many ways to take advantage of the power of the different applications, and while I have been using them effectively, I haven’t been using them to the fullest. I’m excited to continue my journey forward and deeper into the Google Apps available to us as educators. I hope to stay ahead of the curve; my colleagues want to know more and my students’ learning curve is next to nothing. I have to make sure I provide them with opportunities to expand their use of Google Apps for Education.

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