Monthly Archives: June 2013

Using iPads with Famous Americans

As a culminating activity for our unit studying famous Americans earlier this spring, my students created collages using a variety of media. With clay, shells, beads, magazine clippings, and other scraps, students created powerful symbols representing the contributions people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and others made. Below are some examples; the first is Thomas Jefferson, and the second is Rosa Parks:

ImageImageThe students loved making the collages, but I wanted to give them the opportunity to extend their learning through technology. My first thought was to have them animate their work. I looked online, and quickly came across Puppet Pals HD for the iPad. My students did not take long to master this app. More to come soon!

P.S. for all you NFL fans, my student was looking for a “white person” for her Rosa Parks collage and decided on New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski, whom she discovered in a Sports Illustrated Magazine!

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